International Partners and Funders

NISCI is in close collaboration with international and European initiatives.


NISCI is supported by Wings for Life and by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation



ESCIF  European Spine Cord Injury Federation
Organizations representing people living with a spinal cord injury in the different countries in Europe ESCIF represents 29 national organisations from 24 European countries. ESCIF committed to support the NISCI Project and will be represented in the NISCI external Scientific Advisory Board.

EMSCI  European Multicenter Study about Spinal Cord Injury
An internationally recognized and scientifically successful clinical spinal cord injury network.

NACTN  North American Clinical Trials Network
NISCI is in close contact with clinical specialists from across North America and Europe for knowledge exchange and education via the NACTN for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury is to bring promising therapies out of the laboratory and into clinical trials, in a manner that provides incontrovertible evidence of effectiveness and safety.

SCOPE Spinal Cord Outcomes Partnership Endeavor
NISCI and EMSCI are entertaining a closed cooperation and networking with SCOPE, where stakeholders from clinical SCI centers, academia and industry (i.e. pharmacy) meet to discuss progress and innovations to over come the gap in translational research. The later also includes the better appreciation of industry perspectives and their requirements to be fully engaged in the SCI field and to better understand the challenges but also opportunities in this field.

Die Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung (SPS)
Die SPS ergreift und unterstützt Massnahmen, die nach dem jeweiligen Stand der Wissenschaft und der Technik zur Erreichung dieses Ziels angezeigt sind.